Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Don't Give Up On Me!

Hello! Yes I am still here - Marsha asked me today if I had given up on the blogging world. No I haven't - I've just been slack and haven't stopped to post anything. One reason is my computer is old and for some reason posting blogs takes FOREVER and I run out of patience! Another reason is that my very active 1 1/2 year old keeps me busy and doesn't like for me to sit at the computer for very long. When he's sleeping, I try to catch up on cleaning. And once the girls get in from school, there is no rest until 9 or 10 at night!! So I promise I'll make it a goal to post at least once a day until I catch up from Christmas thru our weekend trip we got back from Saturday night. Be patient and have mercy on me! Hope all of my friends are well. Much love to you all and GOD BLESS!!