Thursday, February 26, 2009


Okay as promised I am playing catch up on my posts. Christmas'08 at the Ashley house was wonderful - and busy. We stayed home Christmas Eve for the first time ever (our family we usually see went out of town this year) and then woke up Christmas morning (we had to wake Kaden up) and opened gifts. Mid-morning Daddy, his girlfriend & her two daughters, my brother Matt & his fiance Ashley came over and we spent time with them. Then after lunch we went to Clint's mom's house and that night to my grandmothers! Yes we were very busy! But we had a wonderful time all around - the girls got most everything they asked for and it was probably one of the best Christmases ever. We are very thankful for all of our blessings. Here are some pictures - only a few, though I took a TON!