Monday, November 17, 2008

Fall Fun

We have had several fun social events over the last month. First of all, our church home group had a dinner the week of Halloween and the kids all dressed up. We had lots of good food and fun. Here are a few pictures of the kids all dressed up.

Then we had a Hallelujah Night at the church - they had games, food, trunk or treat and the kids dressed up. Grace was a 50s girl and Abby was a kitty. In this picture, she had wiped her nose off in protest. That's my little drama queen. Kaden was a pumpkin - he's not really old enough to enjoy the whole dress up. Next year will be fun though.

Yesterday was Youth Day at church. The youth of the church led the entire service - they sang on the praise & worship team, the girls were in a dance with a group of other kids (I didn't take pictures) and gave testimonies. Afterwards, we had our family picnic with lots of great food and fun. The kids participated in a Fear Factor type game - it was really gross, so I'll spare you the details. Below are some pics of the kids at church during the Fear Factor - complete with slime, worms and push ups!