Monday, August 11, 2008

1st Day of School

Well, today was the first day back to school for the girls.

Grace started 4th grade and her teacher is Mrs. Back. She said it was a good day at the new school. Only one problem - Abby came in off the bus upset b/c Gracie didn't get on the bus at her school. Clint and I started making calls to the school and the bus shop and finally located her. Turns out the teacher wrote the bus # down wrong for the afternoon and she was put on the wrong bus and had to swap buses a couple of times before she finally got home! When she finally got home (about 30 minutes after Abby), she was really upset - she ran up the driveway and threw her arms around me and started crying! : ( It was so sad. Hopefully that won't happen again! LOL

Abby started 1st grade and her teacher is Mrs. Heath. She came in from the bus - the correct one - and said she had a great day at school! They are both growing up so fast. Kaden and I were a little lost today without them here - it was nice and quiet for a little while, though!


Hurst Family said...

They looked so cute on their first day! I have pics of the kids on the first day of school too, but haven't posted them yet.

Marsha said...

The girls look so cute and Kaden looks handsome with his haircut!! Hope to talk to you soon.